Groundbreaking at Austin Peay State University Health Sciences Building

We celebrated the groundbreaking of the new Health Professions Building at Austin Peay State University with President Michael Licari, and Messer Construction Co.!

The new 114,000-SF building will house the School of Nursing, Allied Health, Psychological Counseling, Health & Human Performance, Social Work, Medical Lab Sciences, and the College of Behavioral and Health Sciences’ Dean’s Office. It will include classrooms, student study areas, simulation labs, faculty / administrative offices. In addition to the lab and simulation environments, the program includes two public clinics to meet the growing needs of the community while also providing hands-on real-world student training.

“The Health Professions Building will be a vital instrument for our continued partnership with Clarksville, Montgomery County, Ft. Campbell, and beyond, by educating highly-skilled health professionals in this state-of-the-art facility,” said APSU President Michael Licari.
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Architecture, Interior Design, Planning, and Sustainability

Architecture, Interior Design, Planning, and Sustainability